Dog and Cat Pet LodgingSunday pick-up available for our pre-paid lodging guests 5:00pm - 6:00pm At PetCentre Animal Hospital we will do our very best to make your pet's stay with us a happy and comfortable experience. DOGS: PCAH offers a large play and exercise yard for our canine visitors...the total fenced exercise area is 1/2 acre! Dogs love to walk, sniff, run and get fresh air while staying with us! CATS: PCAH offers cats their own quiet room lit by natural light. Felines are provided with cat-friendly perches and soft bedding to make the stay comfortable and stress free!
Even with the best care, pet boarding can be stressful because your pet is in a new environment and its routines and habits are interrupted. Stress is minimized at PetCentre Animal Hospital by expert staff, attentiveness and proper handling, and strict cleanliness. Additionally, all boarding pets are current on required vaccinations, protecting your pet from sick pets. Yet it is still possible for problems to occur despite all precautions we take. If any problem such as decreased appetite, loose stool or vomiting should occur, it will be detected by our experienced caregivers. Additionally, at PetCentre Animal Hospital a doctor is nearby to handle small problems before they turn into large ones. If problems develop and are persistent, our kennel assistants may ask for a doctor to examine your pet at the cost of a physical exam. If the doctor feels that treatment is necessary, you will be contacted by phone and any additional treatments will first be authorized. If we are unable to contact you and the doctor feels there are serious problems, your pet will be treated and normal fees will be charged. It is very important that you leave a contact number so we can reach you in an emergency or to pre-approve any potential treatments. We want to make sure that your cat or dog receives their proper food and medications while boarding with us. Please bring all medications and special foods they are currently taking. Please print and fill out this form and bring it with you when you bring your pet for a boarding visit: Boarding Medications
Please call us or contact us today to learn more about PetCentre Animal Hospital's boarding services, specials, and complimentary add-ons.